Affordable Books for the Home

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Moving into our new place, it was a goal of mine to incorporate more books into our decor as I think they can add that finishing touch and make things feel warm, well styled, and cozy. However, I was brutally reminded of how much they can cost! I started looking at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Anthropologie, etc. and realized for the quantity I wanted, I was going to have to spend a pretty penny.

A couple of years back, I picked up this favorite at a local TJ Maxx. I remember thinking, ‘What a cute coffee table book!’ and popped it into my cart as a lucky find — there didn’t seem to be another book in sight. I headed over to their website the other day to see if they had any online and lo and behold, they have a large selection of discounted popular books!

I had to share this tip because it was such a great find and knew others would appreciate this resource as well.

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Here is a roundup of the books I popped into my cart:

Here is a link to all of their books.
