My Skin Type

My Skin Type

Skincare is one of my absolute favorite topics.

You can expect many skincare posts coming from yours truly including my skincare philosophy/approach, guides featuring various routines, dos and don’ts (very key), tips and tricks, all about acne and my previous (and sometimes ongoing) struggles with my skin, the link between wellness and skin, etc. etc.

For the record—I’ve had many ups and downs with my skin through my teens and twenties and the experience greatly impacted my self-confidence for a long time. How could it not? If you struggle with your skin, just know you are not alone! It can feel very isolating at times but just remember, it impacts many more people than you think (including adults - hi adult acne). My hope is to learn and share together as we create an encouraging and helpful community.


First up, let me fill you in on my skin type and overall journey with my skin.

Skin Type: Combination/Oily

This means I tend to be on the oilier side by the end of the day, but still experience patches of normal and/or dehydrated to dry skin.

Skincare Routines: I’ll repeat and repeat: skincare routines are crucial. This can be overwhelming since the market is so saturated with products. I’m excited to dive into this topic and discuss the steps in a good routine and what products I consistently use/rotate in mine.

History with Acne: One thing about acne we can’t avoid or influence is genetics. Some things are just out of our control. But you can do things to help the situation. Mom’s side of the family has a history of acne and so does my Dad’s. I started struggling with acne around 14/15 as any typical teenager does. Like many, I endured dozens of appointments with various dermatologists that all prescribed me with a plethora of antibiotics and creams. The antibiotics (horrible for long-term use) worked seemingly well in the beginning but would eventually stop working. All of these treatments resulted in a similar cycle of breakouts, but because I had little-to-no knowledge on skincare (more on this subject in a future post). I now not only had breakouts but also red flaky, and irritated skin. It was a constant battle throughout high school and my acne gradually became more cystic in college.

Finally at 26, I decided to go on Isotretinoin aka Accutane. I avoided it for as long as possible to see if my skin would improve, but after 12+ years of struggling, I decided it was time for me. Looking back, I’m really glad I waited as long as I did, suffering and all. I’m not sure I would have been as well-positioned to care for my body during treatment had I done it at a younger age. The medication itself is no joke. I have shared a post detailing my accutane experience here.

My skin today: My skin has definitely transformed after my Isotretinoin experience. I still get an occasional breakout around that time of the month, but it is nothing imaginably close to what I was dealing with before. Don’t get me wrong, it still takes major work to maintain my skin. Keep in mind—Isotretinoin does not equal perfect skin forever; it’s still a lot of upkeep. As a sensitive, prone-to-breakouts kind of girl, I have to be on it to keep breakouts at bay. I have to be extremely cautious about the products I use (thanks Paula’s Choice) and my lifestyle choices to keep things under control. It’s all about figuring out a cocktail of products that work for YOU.

What’s your skin type like?
